Chapter 422: The Qi Family Compromises_1

Li Qing left with flair, exuding the vigor of emerging victorious from a sea of soldiers.

But not long after he'd left, he found himself in an awkward situation.

This desolate place was barren of human presence; not a single car did he see on the road, nor a household in sight.

How was he supposed to cover the more than an hour's drive to get back to town?

Now, Li Qing somewhat regretted his decisiveness!

He really should have brought that driver along to give him a lift back.

Looking up at the sky, which had almost completely darkened, Li Qing dismissed the idea of turning back.

Better start walking. Perhaps he might come across someone's house up ahead!

If it came to it, even buying a bicycle with some cash would make things a tad easier.

Li Qing's luck had been fairly good that day. After walking roughly seven or eight kilometers, he came across a tricycle.