Chapter 451 Family Banquet_1

Li Qing brought out the side dishes prepared by Lu Furong for the drinks.

In the living room, Secretary Zhou was still on a call, apparently arranging a drinking session with someone.

The wine glasses on the coffee table had already been filled with wine.

After Li Qing placed the side dishes on the table one by one, he sat down across from Secretary Zhou.

"Okay, okay, that's settled then. Come over early."

Secretary Zhou, ending the call, smiled and explained to Li Qing, "That's Principal Wang from the town's third middle school. I heard you spent some time there, so you should know him."

"I'm indeed quite familiar with Principal Wang; he was already heading the school when I was a student," Li Qing said.

He was more than just familiar with Principal Wang, he knew his wife quite well too.

Secretary Zhou chuckled, "So Xiao Li, you're a student who came out of the third middle school!"

"I must say, the third middle school brings quite a few benefits to our town."