Chapter 491: The Same Old Scene Reemerges_1

Li Qing had put in quite an effort before he finally parted ways with Zhang Chuan and his wife.

But by the time he left, it was already roughly noon.

After the scar noticeably faded, Zhang Chuan's wife finally removed the mask and hat she hardly ever took off from her face.

The couple even insisted on giving Li Qing money.

Li Qing had no idea how much it was, as Zhang Chuan simply shoved a bank card into his hand.

Although he forcibly returned the card, he still couldn't win the argument and ended up having a meal at the hotel.

For the three people's lunch, Zhang Chuan had almost filled the table.

He ordered all the expensive ingredients, each costing a thousand.

To avoid waste, Li Qing packed up the leftovers like Australian rock lobsters and Alaskan king crabs.

Zhang Chuan and his wife were staying at the hotel and had no way to deal with these leftover dishes.

After leaving the hotel, Li Qing rode his bike to the hospital.