Chapter 495 Confession Session_1

Another batch of Elixirs had been entirely consumed by Li Qing.

He also reaped a different kind of beauty.

Just like Qi Mengru, she was already beautiful to begin with.

After consuming the Immortality Elixir, it made Li Qing struggle to control his impulses.

That delicate, smooth skin was especially exhilarating to the touch.

No matter how much he looked or touched, it was never enough; Li Qing wished he could intertwine with her in bed until death.

Walking in the evening breeze, Li Qing returned to the village.

Along the way, he encountered many villagers returning home from the fields.

They all greeted Li Qing enthusiastically, with some even offering him cigarettes.

This unusually warm enthusiasm left Li Qing somewhat perplexed.

After pondering for a while, he realized that this must be the benefit of his donation.

The hundred thousand yuan he donated had quite recently caused a big stir in Sanhe Village.