Chapter 530: The Golden Needle Pierces the Heart of the Peach Blossom_1

Many times, Li Qing's mouth could be very eloquent.

Those blushing sweet nothings would come to him almost instantly, but today, he seemed to be stuck.

Perhaps it was a strong sense of guilt he felt towards Wu Xingxing that made those frivolous words impossible to utter.

He could only sincerely express to Wu Xingxing the true thoughts deep in his heart.

He greedily wanted to provide a warm home and a beautiful life for all the women by his side.

Wu Xingxing's head leaned sideways, snug into Li Qing's embrace.

"I'll sleep over at your place tonight," she said.

Her soft voice, like a breeze in June, brushed through Li Qing's heart, instantly rippling endlessly.

With everything out in the open, Li Qing had nothing to hesitate about.

Wu Xingxing had hinted so clearly that if he still didn't know how to respond, he would deserve to stay single.

He leaned down and engaged Wu Xingxing's luscious lips, his tongue pressing into her sweet-smelling mouth.