Chapter 619: Behind the Bronze Gate_1

"Did you come up with this idea too?" Zi Ling asked Lin Qing with displeasure written all over her face, looking threatening.

Li Qing just smiled, not bothering to hide anything, "You have quite sharp ears. Yes, she does have some relationship with me. But be careful about eavesdropping around corners; if you keep doing that, your ears might rot away. And if your ears rot away after being pricked by a needle, you might actually never be able to get married."

Zi Ling's face, which had just calmed down, immediately flared up with anger as she glared at Li Qing, wishing she could bite this bastard to death.

Li Qing remained unfazed, laughing with a "hehe," "Though it's just a rumor that eavesdropping can cause rotten ears, it's still better to be cautious."

"Would you shut up?!" Zi Ling shouted in exasperation.

She certainly didn't believe any nonsense about rotting ears; what really bothered her was that Li Qing kept bringing up the fact that she had been pricked by a needle.