Chapter 624: A Bountiful Harvest_1

"It's really a pity, these elixirs on the ground, there're at least twenty bottles," Shisan said with regret.

"It doesn't matter, let the bureau deal with this headache, maybe they have an expert who can distinguish them," Li Qing said, "Let's go, let's check out other places!"


The two, who were a bit nervous before, were still somewhat tense after their recent find, but more filled with confidence.

If the finds up ahead were so rich, wouldn't the main chamber behind have even more valuable things?

But, Li Qing regretfully discovered, there was no "behind."

This was all there was to the tomb.

The two of them searched every place thoroughly but did not find the main chamber.

"That's not right, by all accounts there should be a main chamber behind this, how can it only be this big?" Li Qing muttered, puzzled, "Even if it's just this big, by rights there should still be a coffin at least, it can't just be empty, right?"