Chapter 36: Have I Passed?

The Pharmacist Hall was located in the center of Divine Sword City, not far from Divine Sword Academy.

Yang Xiaotian quickly arrived at the Pharmacist Hall.

The construction of the Pharmacist Hall was grand and imposing to the extreme; many of the materials even consisted of various rare crystals, truly more extravagant than the Divine Sword Academy.

Yang Xiaotian couldn't help but marvel at how truly wealthy the Pharmacist Hall was.

That pharmacists were wealthy, he had deeply experienced.

Because this month alone, the money he had earned from selling the elixirs he crafted amounted to five or six hundred thousand gold.

To Yang Xiaotian's surprise, the main gate of the Pharmacist Hall had no guards.

Was it because they weren't worried about disturbances, so there was no need for guards at the gate?

Yang Xiaotian casually strolled into the Pharmacist Hall.

The architecture inside the grand hall bore some resemblance to ancient European style.