Chapter 63: Do you really think I wouldn't dare?

Sun Hua creaked, "The Second Manor Lord and his wife have gone out."

At that moment, hearing Yang Xiaotian's voice, Yang Ling'er also came out from inside the house. Seeing Yang Xiaotian, she rushed over, excitedly saying, "Big brother, you're back, Ling'er missed you so much!"

Yang Xiaotian looked at the young girl, his heart warmed, and smiled, "Big brother missed you too." He then took out a large parcel for the young girl.

The young girl opened it with a puzzled expression, and saw that it was filled with all her favorite snacks, pastries, nuts, and taffy. She couldn't help but jump for joy, gave Yang Xiaotian a kiss on the cheek, elated beyond words.

Yang Xiaotian, seeing the young girl's happiness, smiled.

"Father and mother went out to buy things?" he asked the young girl.