Chapter 74: 100 Gold for Each Person

After preparing a batch of top-grade Foundation Building Spiritual Liquid this morning, Yang Xiaotian got to Hundred Swords Plaza much later than usual. By the time he arrived, the teachers and students there had been eagerly waiting for quite a while.

Seeing Yang Xiaotian's arrival, everyone's spirits were instantly lifted.

"Divine Yang is here!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

With Divine Yang's arrival, the crowd's excitement surged again as soon as it had calmed.

The excitement and fervor of the crowd made Yang Xiaotian blush.

Feeling the warmth of the crowd's enthusiasm, Yang Xiaotian nodded and smiled.

"Divine Yang, we love you!" shouted many of the female students at the school.

"Divine Yang, we love you too!" numerous male students echoed.

Yang Xiaotian felt goosebumps all over his body.

Arriving in front of the fifty-sixth Stone Sword, he tuned out the noise from the outside world and immersed himself in the world of swords.