Chapter 122 I am not a Match for Yang Xiaotian

Lin Yong and Chen Yuan's brows furrowed.

Yang Xiaotian, however, responded with a smile that infuriated Chen Zihan to the point of gritting her teeth, "I cheated, do you have any evidence?"

Chen Zihan, looking at Yang Xiaotian's smile, said angrily, "Yang Xiaotian, don't be so smug. Even if you passed the first round in the Demon Beast Land, don't even think about getting through the second round."

"You had better not encounter me in the second round, otherwise, I will certainly make you regret it!"

Seeing Chen Zihan so itchy with rage, Yang Xiaotian laughed and said, "Make me regret it? Then I might have to thank you." After that, he left with the others.

Chen Zihan watched Yang Xiaotian's departing figure, her anger difficult to subside.