Chapter 159 Liu Shuang, Wang Fan, and His Disciple

He Qingzhe looked at Yang Xiaotian walking alone ahead and sneered coldly. Inside Tiandou Academy, with Fan Riquan present, he couldn't make a move. Now, without Fan Riquan around, Yang Xiaotian, let's see who can protect you!

Just as He Qingzhe was about to step forward and slam Yang Xiaotian into the ground to eat dirt, he saw several people approaching Yang Xiaotian. It was none other than the prince of Ancient Sword Kingdom, Gu Xi.

Gu Xi hadn't expected to encounter Yang Xiaotian. When he saw him from afar, he hurried over with his entourage, surprised and delighted.

"Divine Yang!" Gu Xi called out joyfully from a distance.

Seeing that it was Gu Xi, Yang Xiaotian was also a bit surprised and smiled, "Prince Gu Xi."

Gu Xi waved his hand, looking somewhat embarrassed, and said, "What prince? Just call me Gu Xi from now on." He then asked with a smile, "Did Divine Yang just leave the academy? Are you free? Shall we go for a few drinks?"