Chapter 201: The Sun Rises from the West

However, by the time Yang Xiaotian and the others arrived at the Green Lotus Tavern, it was already fully seated.

Just as Yang Xiaotian and his companions were about to search for seats in frustration, they heard someone exclaim with surprise, "Divine Yang!"

Divine Yang!

Hearing this familiar address, Yang Xiaotian looked over.

He saw that Gu Xi, the prince of the Ancient Sword Kingdom, was sitting by a window and waving at him excitedly with a broad grin.

Seeing that it was Gu Xi, Yang Xiaotian smiled and walked over with everyone.

"Divine Yang!" Gu Xi stood up to greet Yang Xiaotian warmly, inviting him and his company to take seats.

After Yang Xiaotian sat down, he introduced his parents, Yang Chao and Huang Ying, among others, then smiled and asked, "Are you also here to participate in the Empire Pharmacist Competition?"

Seeing Gu Xi in the Imperial Capital was quite a surprise for him.