Chapter 203: Is Yang Xiaotian Going to Be the First One Eliminated?

Blindfolded, he searched for herbal ingredients!

This alone was enough to make many pharmacists think twice.

Without eyesight, one could only rely on smell to identify the herbs, which made this task countless times harder than the alchemist contest Yang Xiaotian had participated in within the Divine Sea Kingdom.

However, after entering the Medicine Realm, Yang Xiaotian calmly covered his eyes with a black cloth.

To prevent cheating, these black cloths were distributed by the Empire Pharmacist Hall.

After blindfolding himself, Yang Xiaotian felt the world around him quiet down.

Breezes whispered past his ears.

Yang Xiaotian stimulated his Soul Power, sensing his surroundings.

Now, his Soul Power covered a range of one thousand meters!

Even many of those at the Supreme Emperor Realm did not possess such Soul Power.

Once he expanded his Soul Power, every movement within a thousand meters around him was clearly transmitted to Yang Xiaotian's mind.