Chapter 244: Crown Prince of Four States

The Elder at the late stage of the tenth layer of the Saint Realm was in so much pain that he couldn't speak.

He opened his mouth, trying to say, he had already declared he was from the Sky-Stepping Sect, yet you're still bombing?

Yang Xiaotian came to the second Elder.

The second Elder's face was deathly pale, and he quivered, "I was sent by the Subduing Dragon Sword Sect."

Subduing Dragon Sword Sect!

Upon hearing this, Yang Xiaotian threw another punch.

The sound was still like thunder.

The other two Elders were so scared that their hearts almost leaped out of their chests.

Yang Xiaotian approached the two without any expression on his face, then unleashed the Asura Force on each in turn.

After Yang Xiaotian unleashed ten waves of Asura Force, the faces of the four Elders at the tenth layer of the Saint Realm had all turned multi-colored.