Chapter 249 Comprehending the Sword Path


Yang Xiaotian returned to the True Dragon Divine Sect.

Back at Heaven-Penetrating Peak, his sister Yang Ling'er chattered non-stop, asking about the scene when Guo Hong was blasted away and how Guo Hong's belly was now.

Yang Xiaotian sweated, wondering why she cared so much about someone else's belly, but still smiled and said, "That Guo Hong, for the next few months, will probably have to walk with a bent back."

Yang Ling'er's eyes bent into crescents with laughter, "You don't know, after you hammered Guo Hong's belly a hundred times, the news spread and the disciples of the True Dragon Divine Sect felt so relieved. Many even threw a huge celebratory banquet."

After entering the Divine Dragon Empire, Guo Hong clamored to challenge all the Martial Ancestors of the Divine Dragon Empire alone, his arrogance inspiring hatred among the disciples of the entire Empire.