Chapter 265: A Battle that Shocked the World


What kind of scene is it when tens of divine beasts lead a surge of millions of fierce beasts?

That surging power, like endlessly rolling and tumultuous waves.

Under the trampling of millions of fierce beasts, even mountains shake and the earth cracks.

Even from a great distance, everyone's faces turned pale.

"It's a beast tide!"

"It's a beast tide of millions!"

One of the sect ancestors turned deathly pale with fear.

Back in the Red Moon Forest, Yang Xiaotian had encountered a beast tide before, and the power that could shake heaven and earth was enough to send everything in front of it flying, shattering it into dust.

But that time, the beast tide Yang Xiaotian had encountered consisted of only several hundred thousand fierce beasts.

And now, there were millions.

Millions of fierce beasts running wildly, such power was beyond terrifying, absolutely formidable to the extreme.

Even the divine spirits like Wu Peng, Tang Hong, and Xiao Xiong changed their expressions.