Chapter 271 Let that cheap person come in

"Let that bitch come in!" Tu Xing called out to his subordinates waiting outside.

Therefore, his men did not stop them, allowing Yang Xiaotian, Wen Jingyi, and others to enter.

However, just as Tu Xing was thinking about how to make Wen Jingyi kneel publicly and lick his toes later on, suddenly, a figure flashed by. Before he could react, his throat hurt, and he was hoisted off his throne by the neck.

The sudden change caught everyone off guard.

By the time everyone came to their senses, they saw Tu Xing being lifted by the neck into mid-air by a young boy of about twelve or thirteen.

Everyone was stunned.

The one lifting Tu Xing into the air was none other than Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian looked at him coldly, "What did you just say?"

Tu Xing, hoisted into the air by the neck by Yang Xiaotian, found breathing difficult. He looked at Yang Xiaotian furiously, "Bitch!" Before he could speak again, Yang Xiaotian suddenly punched him in the stomach with Asura Force.
