Chapter 1: Shotgun Wedding_1

Dawn broke.

Qiao An dragged her aching body out of bed.

She turned her head, glancing at the man still deep in sleep.

A hint of hatred flashed in the depths of her eyes; she had committed this face to memory!

She turned and swiftly left.

However, at that moment, the room bore no trace of a woman's presence.

Picking up his phone, Mu Jingxi ordered in a cold voice, "Jiang Xun, find out immediately who was in my room last night."

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xun replied, "Third Master, the surveillance has been destroyed."


Three years later.

Empire Hotel.

An extravagant Shengshi wedding was in full swing.

The wedding of Third Young Master Mu and the Ji Family's daughter was indeed a union of powerhouses.

Beijing's elite and prestigious figures had almost all arrived, celebrating this grand wedding.

The wedding venue was decorated splendidly, with the fragrance of flowers, the dazzling crystals, and an air of romance permeating the atmosphere, resembling a beautifully ethereal fairyland.

Ji Qingxin, clad in a lavish and intricate wedding gown adorned with priceless jewelry, looked charmingly shy as she glanced at the man with a striking pose and godlike beauty.

The man simply stood in silence; even without doing anything, he exuded an innate nobility and aloofness.

It was a prestigious air that seemed unreachable.

It was also an aura of power that was incomparable.

Mu Jingxi, looking over the entire Beijing, there were only a few who could match him.

He was the epitome of nobility and a sought-after connection by high society.

Today, she was finally going to marry him, to become Mrs. Third Young Master Mu, and the excitement and joy in her heart could hardly be contained.

On stage, the master of ceremonies asked in a impassioned voice, "Mr. Mu Jingxi, do you take Miss Ji Qingxin as your wife, cherish and love her for a lifetime, through better or worse, and never to part?"


The magnetic yet cold voice was suddenly interrupted.

The thick doors of the banquet hall burst open in an instant.

The sound of boots striking the ground was crisp and forceful, a regular tapping.

Dressed in black uniforms, dozens of figures appeared before everyone's eyes.

The gold-threaded wold embroidered on their chests shimmered with an unusual glint, radiating both ferocity and dominance, clearly revealing their identity.

X Secret Operations Bureau.

The leader of the black-clad figures stood resolute, his back straight, and with a snap of his boots came to attention, saluting Mu Jingxi.

His voice was firm, "Sir, urgent mission!"

The guests were in an uproar, all eyes turning to Mu Jingxi on stage.

Mu Jingxi's expression was grave as he nodded coldly, stepping forward as if to leave.

His wrist was gripped tightly by someone.

Mu Jingxi turned around to find Ji Qingxin with a pale face, mist forming in her eyes, and a tentative plea, "Jingxi, can you not leave? Today is our wedding day..."

His own once-in-a-lifetime wedding—was he truly going to leave midway?

"The mission is critical, sorry."

The magnetic voice was clear and devoid of warmth.

After speaking, the man left quickly without a backward glance.

As soon as he left the banquet hall, Xu Shaoyuan's call came through.

Xu Shaoyuan, the supreme executive head of the X Secret Operations Bureau.

His personal call meant that the mission was extremely urgent, not to be delayed for even a moment!

At any time, at any place, the mission took precedence above all else, even life itself.