Chapter 167 Are We Awesome?_1

People can't be too selfish, hey!

Qiao An took steps backward, planning to slip away from the intimidating iceberg radiating a strong chill.

"Miss Qiao."

The man's voice was cool as he spoke out.

Who's Miss Qiao?

Feigning ignorance, Qiao An gripped her phone, turned, and bolted.

"Do you think you can escape?"

The voice, like that of a devil, rose from behind her.

Qiao An stumbled, nearly flipping head over heels, but she narrowly stabilized herself and sprinted with all her might.

Escape or not, she had to run; waiting to be interrogated under torture wasn't an option, was it?

Had he taken the wrong medication today?

He was so interested in her Little Nuomi, insisting on getting to the bottom of things.

Why didn't she see him as persistent in protecting her?

As she ran, Qiao An grumbled to herself, and only when she finally rushed into the lab did she hunch over awkwardly, hands propped on her knees, gasping for air.

"That was close, so close!"