Chapter 227 Flirting and Quarreling_1

She held a tray in her hand, containing three bowls of porridge.

That enticing aroma, it was emanating from this.

"Miss Qiao, please go to the dining room first. I've made some porridge, and in a moment, you and Third Young Master can try it."

Qiao An nodded coolly and turned to enter the dining room.

In the dining room, Mu Jingxi was already seated at the head of the table, in a black shirt, meticulously buttoned up to the top button.

The sapphire cufflinks, exquisitely unique, sparkled brightly.

Qiao An pulled out the chair next to him and sat down with an expressionless face.

"Good morning," Mu Jingxi glanced at her indifferently, his slender fingers picking up the coffee and taking a sip.

Qiao An smirked slightly, "It is indeed quite early, Mr. Mu."

The man frowned. Mr. Mu?

Every time she spoke with that odd tone, she liked to address him as Mr. Mu.