Chapter 274 Is She the One Who Made You Angry?_1

Gaining this realization, Mu Jingxi halted in his steps, turned around, and stared at her with deep, unwavering eyes.

"Qiao An, what's really going on with you?"

"Let me go." Qiao An's expression was cold and different from her usual teasing.

She was very serious, very earnest, even carrying a hint of disgust which flickered through the depths of her eyes.

Mu Jingxi precisely caught that trace of disgust.


Was it disgust towards him or towards his touch?

Mu Jingxi slowly let go, his voice low and hoarse, "As you wish."

After releasing her, he turned and walked out.

Qiao An rubbed her wrist, the circle of redness a clear testimony to how forcefully he had gripped her.


The night breeze blew gently.

A black Bentley raced down the highway, the man's handsome face frosty as ice. One hand on the steering wheel, the other holding a phone, he said, "Come out."