Chapter 282 You're Out of Line!_1

Just go to the hospital with them.

"Alright, let's go."


How could Ji Qingxin let them leave so easily? She quickly took two steps forward and blocked their path, "No one's leaving!"

Jiang Xun was annoyed, "Move aside!"

"Jiang Xun, who the hell do you think you are to order me around?"

"And what rights do you have to speak to me in this manner?" Jiang Xun's eyes were dark and piercing as he stared at her.

The murderous intent and hostility in his eyes made Ji Qingxin take three steps back subconsciously, "You... how dare you!"

Jiang Xun coldly warned, "You'd better pray that the third young master is alright! Otherwise, you might as well pick a nice plot for your burial!"

Qiao An was stunned by what she heard, she never expected that!

Even someone from Mu Jingxi's side could be so vicious with words.

Ji Qingxin and her daughter were left speechless by Jiang Xun's words.

Let alone retort.

All they could do was watch helplessly as they left.