Chapter 5 Why Did He Marry Me

Tong Tong took a deep breath and violently bit her tongue, the metallic taste of fresh blood instantly filling her mouth, the intense pain suddenly clearing her mind.

Struggling to get up, she shoved Cheng Kuan aside and rushed toward the door.

Cheng Kuan hadn't expected Tong Tong to still have the strength to get up, and for a moment, she actually found a gap to escape through.

He immediately chased after her, "Where do you think you're running!"

As the door opened, unexpectedly, there was another person at the doorway, and Tong Tong ran straight into the man's chest.

Could there be an accomplice...

For a moment, Tong Tong felt as if all the blood in her body had congealed, despair flooding her heart.

The little strength she had managed to gather dispersed instantly, and her body went limp, about to fall to the ground, but she was caught by a pair of strong arms.

A low and chilly male voice came from above her head.

"Don't be afraid."

It was Mu Jingyan!

Right now, Tong Tong had no time to wonder why Mu Jingyan was in the hospital. In her eyes, the man was simply a god descended from heaven.

Oddly enough, the fear in her heart vanished at that moment.

Cheng Kuan behind her evidently recognized Mu Jingyan's identity too, and his expression turned ashen.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, what are you doing here!"

This god of death was a major shareholder of the hospital, but he rarely came except for inspections. Why did he have to come right now?

"Xiaoxun," Mu Jingyan's gaze towards Cheng Kuan was like looking at a dead man.

Xiaoxun stepped forward at the call, dragging Cheng Kuan into the room and shutting the door behind them.

Screams of agony soon echoed from inside.

In Mu Jingyan's embrace, Tong Tong smelled his pleasant woody scent and felt drowsy.

The drug that Cheng Kuan had injected her with was problematic!

She felt her body burning up like a flame, so hot...

Mu Jingyan looked down at the girl in his arms, "What are you doing here?"

Tong Tong gazed at Mu Jingyan's lips moving and uncontrollably thought of the kiss they shared before.

The uncle might look cold, but his lips felt very soft.

She tiptoed, and before Mu Jingyan could react, she kissed him.

Tong Tong didn't know how to kiss; she could only cling to his lips and lick, bit by bit, as if eating jelly.

"Tong Tong!"

Mu Jingyan looked a bit angry; this child was always so bold, doing such presumptuous things one after another.

Tong Tong didn't care about Mu Jingyan's reaction; all she felt was a burning sensation all over her body, her gaze growing hazy, her movements starting to go out of control.

That little hand wandered restlessly on Mu Jingyan's body, even sneakily trying to slip beneath the clothes.

What's with this belt, it's so hard to undo?

Mu Jingyan's breathing became erratic.

The moment Tong Tong managed to unbuckle Mu Jingyan's belt, she felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck, then her vision darkened, and she collapsed to the floor.

When Xiaoxun came out wiping his hands, he saw Tong Tong on the ground, with Mu Jingyan standing beside her, his expression complex.

"Uh... Mr. Mu?"

He had just gone inside for a moment, what did Mr. Mu do to the young lady?

Mu Jingyan furrowed his brow and left with a sullen face without looking at Tong Tong on the ground, taking large strides as he walked away.

Seeing his boss in a bad mood, Xiaoxun hesitated for a moment, then hoisted Tong Tong on his back and quickly followed.

Click, click.

Unnoticed at the corner of the corridor, the sound of a camera shutter clicking several times could be heard.

The black Maybach was parked at the entrance; as soon as Xiaoxun got into the car, he could hear Mu Jingyan's other secretary, Aya, speaking.

"Mr. Mu, are you really going to marry a woman from the Tong Family?"

"The mastermind behind the events of that night was found—it was your great uncle Mu Xiangdian who drugged her, and he was after a woman from the Tong Family!"

Xiaoxun's expression turned grim as he quickly understood.

Lady Mu, the grandmother, had originally chosen a fiancée for Mu Jingyan, a woman from a significant and vast family.

And in Huaicheng, the Tong Family was notoriously infamous, possessing no real strength of their own, purely relying on marriage alliances to cling to power.

It was precisely to disrupt these alliances and weaken Mu Jingyan's influence that Mu Xiangdian had gotten involved with the Tong Family.

Now that Mu Jingyan had married Tong Tong, he had also married into the Tong Family, which played right into Mu Xiangdian's hands, didn't it?

Xiaoxun felt a sinking feeling in her heart and looked up at Mu Jingyan.

"Heh." The man chuckled softly, exuding an oppressive aura.

"Who was that woman?"

Countless women had tried to climb into his bed, but for one reason, none had ever succeeded.

That absurd night had been the first time he had lost control.

Aya: "Although there's no surveillance footage, according to our investigation, the woman Mu Xiangdian hired was—"

"Tong Xiaoxiao."

When Tong Tong woke up, she found herself in an utterly unfamiliar environment.

Where is this?

A woman dressed in OL office attire walked in.

Before Tong Tong could voice her many questions, the woman said, "Madam, I am Mr. Mu's secretary. You can call me Aya. This is the Mu Family residence, and it is now nine o'clock in the morning of the next day."

"After you fainted at the hospital, Mr. Mu brought you back home. Don't worry, I helped you change your clothes."

All of Tong Tong's questions were answered.

So the events that followed weren't a dream?

She swallowed nervously and looked at her hands. Had she really undone his belt yesterday and almost took liberties with Mu Jingyan!?

But Mu Jingyan's belt felt oddly familiar, as if she had seen a very similar one before.

As she was recalling, Aya handed her a set of clothes, "After you have changed, I will take you down for breakfast."

Tong Tong obediently changed her clothes.

"Sister Aya, I have a question I want to ask you."

"Ask away."

"Why was it me who got married?"

This was a question Tong Tong had long wanted to ask.

Apart from that day when she barged into his private room, she had absolutely no interactions with Mu Jingyan.

A person like Mu Jingyan, when he decides to do something, definitely has his reasons.

But she had nothing to offer, nothing of value to gain from her.

Aya looked at her curiously: "Weren't you the one who first called him 'husband'?"

Tong Tong was stunned: "Ah?"

Aya patiently explained, "Due to some reasons that you cannot know right now, Mr. Mu's marriage has always been a concern of the old madam. After hearing about the incident of you calling Mr. Mu 'husband', the old madam instructed Mr. Mu to choose between you and an arranged fiancée picked by her."

Tong Tong: "So uncle chose me?"

Aya nodded.

After asking, Tong Tong became even more confused.

Reasons that can't be known now, what reasons could affect a marriage?

Aya: "In the Mu Family, the less you know, the longer you live, understand?"

Tong Tong suddenly realized, yes, this is the Mu Family, and Mu Jingyan was never someone soft-hearted.

Aya: "Breakfast is ready, Madam, let's go."

The Mu Family residence was vast, with beautiful Chinese courtyards that looked like works of art, and even though the bright sunlight shone on her, her heart felt like it had sunk into an abyss.

Every step she took in the Mu Family had to be cautious and careful.

After finishing breakfast, Tong Tong suddenly remembered that yesterday had been the last day of vacation—she was supposed to go to class today!

She hurriedly checked her phone—nine forty-one in the morning. There was only one class at ten today; if she rushed now, she might still make it!

Tong Tong quickly stood up, "Sister Aya, I have class today. I need to hurry."

Aya nodded, and as they were waiting for the driver, Fang Yue suddenly called.

"Tong Tong, this is bad! The school is abuzz with rumors that you're being kept by an old man, and even the teachers are alarmed, saying that they're going to discipline you!"