Chapter 3 She Didn't Lie


"No need."

Suddenly, Li Huan's voice came from behind her.

He strode in from the doorway, his eyes full of scorn and disgust as he looked at Tong Tong.

He had followed closely behind when Mrs. Mu had come to find Mu Jingyan yesterday, and had seen everything clearly. When Mrs. Mu opened the private room, there was only a bodyguard dressed in black inside, Mu Jingyan wasn't there at all!

He had been guarding the lobby and hadn't seen Mu Jingyan leave; it must have been that wretched girl, Tong Tong, who had someone help her deceive him and then she ran away.

Especially since the manager said that she was just filling in for someone, how dare she claim to be Mu Jingyan's woman!

This little wretch is truly indecent!

The Tong family matriarch showed a kind smile, "Li Huan, what brings you here?"

Li Huan haughtily raised his head, "I want to break off the engagement with her!"

"Such an indecent woman is not worthy of the Li Family!"

Li Huan's words silenced everyone for a moment.

Tong's Father was the first to stand out.

"Li Huan, listen to your uncle, we will have Tong Tong apologize to you..."

The voices around her seemed very distant at the moment. Tong Tong hung her head. It was Li Huan who had taken liberties with her, who had wanted to violate her, but now, she had to apologize to him.

Utterly ridiculous!

Tong's Father: "As long as you're willing, take Tong Tong home today and do as you please, but the engagement cannot be called off."

The Li Family held a high status in Huaicheng, the best match for the Tong Family in this generation. His company's capital turnover was also waiting on the Li Family's betrothal gifts; the engagement couldn't be broken no matter what.

Li Huan thought of the wound bandaged on his head and was so angry his teeth itched.

"The fact is, it's not only about her injuring me today. Most importantly, she's been kept by another man outside! We, the Li Family, don't want such an unclean woman!"

Tong's Father exclaimed in shock, "What!"

For a moment, everyone in the Tong family looked at Tong Tong in astonishment.

In the Tong family, a woman's body was to be given only to the future husband on her first time; there had never been a situation where someone was kept by another man while betrothed.

If such a scandal got out, it would damage the entire Tong family's reputation.

The Tong family matriarch's gaze was ice-cold as she looked at Tong Tong, "Is what he just said true?"

Tong Tong shook her head.

"I didn't."

She looked at Li Huan; he kept saying she had been kept by some old man, but she had never done such a thing.

"I have never been kept!"

Li Huan let out a derisive laugh, "This matter is now all over the school. You followed that old man for a belt he gave you, how could you be so cheap?"

A belt?

She had only gone to sell a belt, how did it turn into being kept?

"Anyway, I don't want such an indecent woman, but the alliance through marriage can still continue, only I want to marry Tong Xiaoxiao."

Tong Xiaoxiao, Tong Tong's half-sister from the same father, showed a victorious smile on her face upon hearing this.

Xiaoxun, her aunt, patted her hand to signal her to restrain herself a bit, then with a turn of her eyes, she spoke up.

"Madam, it's an honor for my daughter Xiaoxiao that Li Huan sees her as worthy, but I believe Tong Tong has not been kept. If everyone doesn't believe it, just check if Tong Tong's body is still clean, and the truth will come out!"

Tong Tong was about to agree when she suddenly stiffened, realizing that she had lost her virginity during a drunken episode the previous time.

Xiaoxun did not miss the change in her expression, her lips curled into a cold smile, knowing a young lady who had lost her body was considered useless in the Tong family, and her daughter would be the real young lady in the future.

The Tong family matriarch nodded, "Then we'll check."

"If you are innocent, we, the Tong family, can still keep you. If you are not clean anymore..."

She did not finish her sentence, but everyone understood the implied meaning behind it.

Two servants stepped forward to drag Tong Tong to a side room.

"Take off your trousers."

Tong Tong felt ice-cold all over, her strength failing her to take off her trousers.

She couldn't be checked; her first time was already gone. If it was found out, she would be completely ruined!

"What are you waiting for, hurry up!"

The impatient person beside her directly reached down to pull Tong Tong's trousers off.

Tong Tong dodged left and right, but she couldn't stop the two of them at all. Soon she was forcefully held down, and another person took down her trousers and was ready to check with the equipment.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Tong Tong struggled non-stop. She regretted so much—why had she gone to that class reunion, why had she drunk so much alcohol, and why had she unwittingly given her first time away, leading to this outcome.

A slap resounded; a servant next to her slapped Tong Tong across the face.

"Stop squirming, you shameless wretch!"


This slap woke Tong Tong up.

It was too late.

The situation had reached a point of no return.

Seeing that Tong Tong had finally quieted down, the maid beside her was about to begin when the door was suddenly forced open from the outside.

Tong Tong was pinned down by two maids, her long and fair legs forced apart and shockingly exposed to the air.

The newcomer seemed equally taken aback by the scene and stopped in their tracks.

"Mr. Mu, what's wrong?"

Xiaoxun, seeing him halt, was about to enter when a hand suddenly stopped her.

"Turn around."

Xiaoxun was confused, but her body moved before her brain, obediently turning around.

The two maids recognized Mu Jingyan and immediately stopped what they were doing, standing up quickly to greet him.

"Mr. Mu."

This was the king of Huaicheng, after all; what was he doing here?

Mu Jingyan took off his suit jacket and covered Tong Tong's lower body with it.

The suit still carried the warmth of the man, and as Tong Tong looked up, Mu Jingyan gazed down at her from his elevated position, their eyes meeting in the confined space—one dim and lackluster, the other cold and calm.

Tong Tong murmured, "Is it you?"

Mu Jingyan nodded slightly, "Mm."

He had only seen the girl in front of him twice, yet she felt incredibly familiar to him.

During their last encounter, she was panicked yet audacious, boldly making herself comfortable in his arms.

Her eyes were like a little rabbit's, damp and innocent, but a closer look would reveal a cunning hiding within.

But now, those sparkling eyes were gone.

Tong Tong could feel the man's gaze on her, but she was too tired; she didn't want to deal with anything anymore.

All of a sudden, she missed her mother.

When her mother was still alive, she was the young Miss of the Tong Family, and everyone in the Tong Family was gentle with her.

A warm hand caressed her swollen cheek as the man's voice betrayed neither anger nor pleasure, "Who did this?"

One of the maids visibly trembled more violently.

A bodyguard entered the door and, without a word, slapped the maid twice.

They were symmetrical, very neat.

Tong Tong stared blankly at him, unsure why Mu Jingyan appeared here or why he would bother to intervene on her behalf.

The man lifted his arms and scooped her up in a princess carry.

She looked up at the man's handsome face, now close enough to touch.

She was actually in a princess carry by Mu Jingyan!

Forget Tong Tong, when Mu Jingyan carried her out, the outside fell silent except for breathing sounds.

Everyone was stunned.

The king of Huaicheng had suddenly appeared in the Tong Family house, and he was holding Tong Tong in a princess carry!

Mrs. Tong's complexion changed again and again, "Mr. Mu, this is the Tong Family after all, what are you trying to do?"

Li Huan's face was almost green as he watched this unfold.

Mu Jingyan did not even spare Mrs. Tong a glance as he strode out.

Mrs. Tong stared at the suit jacket covering Tong Tong, a glint of dark light flashing in her eyes, as if she thought of something and decided not to stop them.

Li Huan hurried after them, "Brother Mu, this woman is no good, don't let her deceive you! She not only cheated on me but also let an old man keep her and has been causing trouble under your name!"

Mu Jingyan stopped, his gaze icy as he looked at him.

"Causing trouble?"

Seeing Mu Jingyan engage, Li Huan perked up, "Yes, this woman is extremely promiscuous. Back in the restaurant, she burst into a private room and started kissing a man, trying to trick us into thinking the man was you!"

"It's my fault for not stopping her then!"

Mu Jingyan looked at Li Huan indifferently, the corners of his mouth lifting into a contemptuous smile, "She wasn't lying."

With that, he turned away and walked on.

Li Huan: "I just knew it was... Huh?"

What did Mu Jingyan just say?

How could that be possible!

No... what was Mu Jingyan doing taking Tong Tong away?