Chapter 7, 3 Years, 30,000,000

The content in the document was simple. As long as Tong Tong could maintain a marital relationship with Mu Jingyan for three years, upon divorce after three years, Mu Jingyan would give her a villa and thirty million yuan.

Tong Tong flipped through the document several times, repeatedly confirming whether she had added an extra zero by mistake.

Three years, thirty million.

Her gaze toward Mu Jingyan was now tinged with less fear. This was hardly the cold, ruthless person everyone talked about. He was clearly a merciful Buddha, come to relieve suffering!

Thirty million might not be hard to earn for someone from a wealthy family, but Tong Tong, restricted by the Tong Family, could only rely on part-time jobs to make money.

She had carefully examined the document. In summary, as long as she didn't cause trouble, she could comfortably live in the Mu Family home for three years, then take the money and leave once the time was up.

Mu Jingyan, "If there are no issues, you can sign now."

Clutching the document, Tong Tong looked it over one more time. Not finding any particular clause in the contract, she hesitated for a moment but still mustered the courage to speak up.

"Uncle, do we... need to fulfill marital obligations?"

Xiaoxun, standing beside them, instantly widened his eyes.

Oh, wife, to have such concerns and still dare to ask!

Mu Jingyan's eyebrows twitched slightly as his gaze landed on Tong Tong.

Although the man's eyes held no lust or stray thoughts, Tong Tong still unconsciously took a step back.

It wasn't that she was being nosy; it was just that the document only mentioned pretending to be a couple in front of Mrs. Mu. There was not a single word about whether they needed to actually do that thing.

She started nervously, stuttering, "Some things... need to be agreed upon in advance to avoid misunderstandings, otherwise, otherwise..."

Mu Jingyan, running out of patience, "That's not necessary."

Tong Tong blinked, sighing in relief. Good, it's not required.

With her last apprehension gone, she picked up the pen and, next to Mu Jingyan's name, earnestly wrote down her own name.

From that moment on, Mu Jingyan was no longer the fearsome king of hell in her heart but a wealth god to be worshipped.

With that thirty million, she could let her grandmother receive proper treatment in the hospital without worry.

After signing her name, Tong Tong still felt an intense sense of unreality. Can money really be earned this easily?

A servant knocked on the door, "Mr. Mu, madam, the bath is ready."

Mu Jingyan, "Go ahead."

Tong Tong was led by the servant to bathe, and after washing away the fatigue and chill, she stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, only to see Mu Jingyan sitting on a sofa not far away.

The man, dressed in a black nightgown, stretched his long legs casually and was flipping through the document in his hands, appearing lazy and indifferent.

Apparently hearing noise from the bathroom, he looked up, and Tong Tong felt a cold, scrutinizing gaze settle on her.

She instinctively clenched her hands, tensing up her body.

Whenever she was near Mu Jingyan, she couldn't help but feel anxious. This man was too dangerous, and the world had mixed opinions about him. But the one consensus was that anyone who angered Mu Jingyan would face dire consequences.

Even though they had just signed the contract, they were still strangers to each other, and she didn't know how to interact with him.

Standing nervously in place, unsure of what to do, Tong Tong noticed that Mu Jingyan had already looked away.

She paused, suddenly realizing she was only wearing a towel, with much of her skin exposed.


Tong Tong let out a startled cry, her face instantly blushing red as she ran back.

Mu Jingyan's face darkened for a moment, then he quickly got up and strode out of the room.


Inside the bathroom, Tong Tong, with her face beet-red, shrank into a corner. The Mu Family's house was too big. Just Mu Jingyan's room was larger than the Tong Family's living room, so much so that she hadn't realized when entering with the servant that she was actually in Mu Jingyan's room.

She had just come out of the bath wrapped in a towel. Mu Jingyan wouldn't misinterpret her actions as trying to seduce him, would he?

While Tong Tong was lost in her anxious thoughts, the bathroom door was knocked on again.


Aya's voice came from outside.

Tong Tong opened the door to find Aya holding a set of pajamas, waiting for her.

"Your room has been prepared. The servant made a mistake earlier. I'll take you to your room."

"Thank you."

Tong Tong whispered her thanks, changed into the pajamas, and when she came out, Mu Jingyan was already gone. She let out a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed Aya out.

The room prepared for her by the Mu Family was very spacious. Tong Tong looked around with some surprise; the guest room was even larger than the biggest master bedroom in the Tong Family's house.

She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and her tense mood from the day finally relaxed a bit at this moment.

Recent events had turned her life upside down, and she had never imagined that one day she would actually move into the Mu Family home.

It was something many dreamed of, but for Tong Tong, all she felt was an unknown terror.

It seemed that ever since she became involved with that unfamiliar man, everything began to spiral out of control.

Who was that man that day?

At that moment, in the study of the Mu Family home, Xiaoxun noticed that Mu Jingyan was still looking at information about Tong Tong and couldn't help but ask,

"Mr. Mu, is there a problem with the information about madam?"

Could there be some mistake or something missing?

Mu Jingyan didn't speak, his gaze merely resting on the line indicating Tong Tong's age.

20 years old.

There was a nine-year gap between them.

"Recently, didn't your sister get married?"

Xiaoxun was taken aback by Mu Jingyan suddenly taking an interest in his personal affairs and was slow to respond.

"Ah, yes, she's been married for two months now."

Mu Jingyan seemed to ask casually, flipping a page of the file before speaking, "How is it going now?"

Xiaoxun sighed, "Don't ask, my sister was in a child betrothal to my brother-in-law, who is five years older than her. Every day she complains that they have nothing in common and that there is a generation gap. She also says how old he is and how he doesn't perform well in that regard. She constantly goes on about that old thing, shamelessly robbing the cradle, and then there's…"

"Have you prepared the company's report for next quarter?" Mu Jingyan abruptly interrupted him.

Xiaoxun started, "Not yet."

Mu Jingyan gave him a look, and Xiaoxun shuddered immediately, "I'll do it now!"

After Xiaoxun left, the room finally fell silent.

Thinking about what Xiaoxun had just said, Mu Jingyan's expression darkened.

He wasn't interested in Tong Tong but still found himself subconsciously thinking about their initial encounter and kiss at the restaurant.

Despite being strangers, he, who usually repelled women, had not felt immediate revulsion.

Realizing that he was actually recalling that previous kiss, Mu Jingyan's expression turned ugly.

He set down Tong Tong's information and turned to begin working.

Tong Tong's thoughts weren't important. All he needed was a pawn to help him deal with his grandmother.


Tong Tong woke up from a nap only to find that it was just one o'clock in the morning.

Her stomach growled audibly.

She had gone to bed after a bath without eating anything that evening and was now so hungry that she couldn't sleep.

Tong Tong, who always maintained a healthy diet, hesitated for a while but finally decided to sit up from the bed.

She was going to find something to eat!

She remembered seeing fruits and snacks in the living room when she had entered.

Thinking this, she opened her bedroom door and walked out.

The corridor outside was dimly lit, with only a few small lights shimmering in the distance.

She tried to follow her memory, but soon realized she had no idea where she was going.

It was late, and the servants had all retired for the night.

Tong Tong stood silently in place for a few seconds but couldn't bear her hunger and started walking to the left.

After a few steps, she saw the stairwell, which was still illuminated.

She breathed a sigh of relief, walked down a few steps, and then the light overhead suddenly went out.

Tong Tong froze on the spot.

Darkness enveloped her and her vision turned pitch-black.

How could she have forgotten that she suffered from night blindness?

She stopped in her tracks, afraid to move.

In the dark, with her senses heightened, she thought she heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

Was it a servant passing by?

Tong Tong relaxed, but the moment she moved, she suddenly stepped on the edge of the staircase and tumbled down.