Chapter 49 Do you know who I am?

Mu Jingyan's kiss this time came fiercely and abruptly, enveloping Tong Tong so intensely that she felt she could hardly breathe.

Tong Tong's hands rested on Mu Jingyan's shoulders, and before she could put any strength into pushing him away, his large hand caught hers, their fingers intertwining and placing them against his chest as he kissed her even more vigorously.

At that moment, the uncle was different from any other time she had seen him; uncontrollably, she thought of their last kiss. Clearly, last time, the uncle hadn't kissed her like this.


Mu Jingyan's voice was deep, his gaze fixed intently on her.

Angry? Tong Tong honestly confronted her own feelings, realizing she wasn't really angry, just somewhat aggrieved.

Themselves a contract marriage, he had forbidden her from getting emotionally involved, so why kiss her like this?