The Withering Girl Chapter 59_1

Admit it, you've fallen for her.

Feng Jing's words hit Mu Jingyan right in the heart.

Had he... fallen for Tong Tong?

Even if reason tried to deny it, presenting hundreds of explanations on the tip of his tongue, looking into Feng Jing's certain eyes made all the justifications evaporate at that moment.

The strongest logic couldn't stop the feelings of love from stirring within.

He couldn't pinpoint when his feelings for Tong Tong had shifted; initially, he had only felt pity for her, taking extra care of her when it was convenient.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Feng Jing, who knew him well from years of companionship, already understood what Mu Jingyan was thinking.

He looked at Mu Jingyan, and besides feeling happy for his friend who had finally seen the light, a flicker of concern still passed through the depths of his eyes.

He opened his mouth, a name ready to come out, but in the end, he didn't say it.