Chapter 203: Who is Your Father...?

The car door was suddenly gripped by a hand.

"What's going on?!"

"There's someone outside!"

Tong Niannian's large eyes were brimming with tears at this moment. She stared at that hand, the nerve in her brain taut.

A bald brute swung the door open, grabbing an iron rod and taking a swing at whoever was outside.

"Which blind jerk dares to..."

The iron rod didn't land on the person outside as expected. The hand that had grabbed the door let go quickly, the palm turned upwards and tightly seized the iron rod.

The next second, before the brute had a chance to react, the owner of the hand suddenly twisted it back, followed by a scream as the brute's hand, still gripping the rod, was twisted into a grotesque angle.


The newcomer was very tall, and from inside looking out, one could only see his broad shoulders and a suit of crisp black.