Chapter 271: Tong Tong, come here

Tong Tong wanted to rush out, but the people around her reacted quickly, immediately stepping forward to grab her.

"You're not allowed to leave!"

"Stop her quickly!"

"You have no respect for the ancestral hall, has Mu Jingyan never taught you our Mu family's house rules!?"

Various voices surrounded her as Tong Tong had only taken a few steps before her arms and legs were grabbed, preventing her from leaving.

She was forced back down to kneel on the ground, and a man in a white robe stood behind her with a long whip, his face stern.

"This is the Mu family, not a place you can just leave as you please."

He swung the whip forcefully, and the sound it made cutting through the air was enough to make one's heart tremble just by listening.

Tong Tong was held down, and the surrounding crowd's gazes, eager to see a spectacle, surrounded her, everyone waiting to see her whipped, with not one person caring about the whole story or pleading for her.