Chapter 291 This Trick Is Too Old

Tong Tong woke up to the beautiful sunlight outside the window and for a moment couldn't quite come back to her senses.

It seemed she had accidentally fallen asleep on the sofa last night, but when had she ended up in bed?

Seeing the peace knot beside her pillow, she thought of Tong Niannian and couldn't help but smile, her heart turning soft and mushy.

She safely stored the peace knot away, changed her clothes, and walked out of her room, only to find that Tong Niannian had already gone off to kindergarten early in the morning.

As soon as Aya saw her up, she promptly set the breakfast on the dining table.

While eating breakfast, Tong Tong checked her phone and suddenly noticed that there were many more messages in WeChat.

Tiantian: No way, no way! You're actually Tong Tong!? The lady of Mr. Mu!?