Xiaoxun and Aya finished talking, and soon Xiaoxun left first.

Tong Tong quietly followed Aya, and when she saw Aya going to grab those ointments, a sense of foreboding reached its peak in her heart.

Just as Aya had grabbed her things and was about to leave, she found a figure suddenly blocking the door.


Aya was startled; she didn't expect Tong Tong to have silently followed her.

Tong Tong got straight to the point, "Sister Aya, I just heard your conversation with Xiaoxun. Since you're going to the Mu Family ancestral home, can you take me with you?"

Aya was taken aback by her bold request, "Ma'am, Mr. Mu doesn't allow us to take you."

Tong Tong didn't speak, just stared straight at her.

Aya: "Ma'am, this is a difficult situation, you..."

She hesitated, not knowing how to start speaking, yet the only exit, the door, was blocked by Tong Tong, who clearly wouldn't let her leave without an explanation.

Aya: "Ma'am, you're really putting me in a difficult position."