Chapter 342: Don't Worry, I'm Here

Tong Tong hadn't grasped the other implications in Zhi Yu's words when she suddenly heard the voices outside the door return.

"Boss, what do we do? She's not here, has she already run away?"

"Impossible. How could a woman run away that fast? The fire exits and the stairwell doors have all been locked, aside from taking the elevator, there's no way she could leave."

"Yeah, there's no sign of the elevator moving; she must still be hiding somewhere, let's keep searching!"

Tong Tong raised her hand to cover her lips, trying not to make any sound.

These people had already taken every precaution, just waiting for her to fall into their trap.

Zhi Yu stood beside her, suddenly reaching out and removing her hand.

"I'm still here, don't be so nervous."

Zhi Yu's tone was indifferent, even carrying a hint of nonchalance, but at that moment, it inexplicably filled her with a sense of security.

The voices outside moved away again, seemingly to resume their search for her.