At this moment, in another hotel in the Imperial Capital, several waiters hurriedly pushed a dining cart forward.

"Isn't this wine the manager's most prized possession? Displayed in the lobby, he wouldn't sell it to any of the many guests who asked for it. Why is it suddenly being taken out for delivery today?"

"So clueless—are you not aware of who's visiting today? Once Mr. Mu requests it, let alone this bottle of wine, there's nothing he can't have!"

The waiter pushing the cart looked puzzled, "Really? That's terrifying—who's the visitor today?"

"Are you new to the Imperial Capital? Surely you can't be unaware of Mr. Mu?"

"Mr. Mu!?"

In the Imperial Capital, the Mu Family was well-known, but of all the Mu's, only one could be directly referred to as Mr. Mu.

As the waiter was still in shock, several graceful figures suddenly appeared before him—these were the backs of a line of beautiful women that simply looking at them filled one with longing.

Such beautiful women!