Chapter 35 No Reply Received_1

He Tiantian saw Aunt Liu was going to bring some things and casually asked if Old Man Qi needed anything.

Old Man Qi gave her fifty cents to buy some liquor for him.

Buying liquor didn't require coupons, only money was needed. However, in an era of material scarcity where people couldn't even get enough to eat, very few people bought liquor. Old Man Qi wasn't short on money, so he could afford to drink two or three bottles a year.

After returning home in the evening, He Tiantian wrote a letter, prepared to send it out the next day to inquire about the situation. She felt uneasy not receiving any reply.

Third Grandma Qi didn't have anything specific she wanted to send back, but He Tiantian would still buy some easy-to-chew pastries for her. If she had the ingredients, she could make them herself, but without the necessary materials, even a skilled woman can't cook without rice and couldn't make the variety of tasty pastries.