Chapter 73 Hope, Perseverance (Monthly Ticket 60+)_1

When winter arrived, the scarcity of materials became even more evident. In winter, people starved or froze to death in greater numbers than in the other three seasons.

Qijia Village's grain harvest this year was just enough to fill bellies, barely comparable to last year, but these people who were sent down to the countryside were to be pitied.

Once these individuals arrived at the Qijia Village livestock team, Old Man Qi would do his utmost to ensure they survived the winter safely.

"You know how to make this?" Old Man Qi's eyes lit up, "Is it a specialty from your area?"

He Tiantian nodded and replied, "Yes, I guess Professor Wang will make some as well."

In a previous life, nobody in Qijia Village made these things; the wooden clogs and quilted felt blankets were all made by Professor Wang. After the villagers saw how useful they were, they all learned to make them.