Chapter 159: The Little Girlfriend's Intention_1

Huo Yingjie had been living quite comfortably these days, as his little girlfriend had sent him fried wild pine nuts.

The taste was just right, leaving a fragrant aftertaste, and his heart was even sweeter.

When colleague Zhou Yuanchao came back from outside, he saw the always serious Huo Yingjie, looking like a little old man, actually squinting and smiling, with his mouth moving from time to time. He knew this guy was secretly eating pine nuts again.

"Huo Yingjie, grab a handful for me!" Zhou Yuanchao was full of envy and jealousy!

Huo Yingjie had only given him a handful when he first received the package, and since then, he hadn't had any of those pine nuts. He wanted to sneak some, especially since there were plenty, but before he could, that thousand-year-old fox, Huo Yingjie, found a lock from somewhere and hid the goods inside a cabinet.

Huo Yingjie simply turned his body away, doing the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil act!