Chapter 191: Niu Lili's Inner Thoughts (Monthly Ticket 1200+) _1

The day of departure finally arrived.

Wei Zhekun purchased three train tickets for the 18th day of the first lunar month, all sleeper berths, including two bottom bunks.

At the same time, He Jingyu sent a telegram to Secretary Qi, informing him of the date so that he could go to meet them.

After Niu Dajun received the telegram, he went to inform Village Chief Qi.

He Jingyu and Wang Shuping bought platform tickets and personally carried the seven large parcels onto the train, placing them on the luggage rack. He Jingyu also asked a train attendant on the same train to help retrieve them upon arrival.

The train attendant was eager to help, seeing that He Tiantian, a young girl, had to take care of two elderly people and also had so many parcels. He immediately agreed to assist when He Tiantian was getting off the train.