Chapter 194: Carrying Water (Monthly Tickets 1220+)_1


Having finished speaking, he actually pushed his bicycle towards He Tiantian.

He Tiantian quickly took several steps back and ran off with Qi Xiaoyan, completely ignoring Qi Jianguo.

He Tiantian didn't want to speak with Qi Jianguo and didn't want to have anything to do with him.

If it had been dark and there were no other people around, only Qi Jianguo, she would have definitely gone up to him and given him a good beating until his head was bleeding, letting him learn why the flowers are so red!

But now it was broad daylight, and Qi Xiaoyan was with her, so He Tiantian couldn't let her actions be seen by others; she would have to find another opportunity.

He Tiantian had already given Qi Jianguo plenty of chances. Since Qi Jianguo didn't know how to appreciate them, she didn't need to pity this cunning, disgusting pervert.