Chapter 208 Nurse Zhang Huan_1

If this woman weren't so enticing, not so beautiful, he might never have done such a thing! This He Tiantian was the bane of his life!

That sentence was true!

In a previous life, Qi Jianguo was the bane of He Tiantian's life!

In this life, He Tiantian came for revenge, and she was the bane of Qi Jianguo's life!

It was only fair!

Just as Qi Jianguo had a gloomy expression on his face, a tall nurse came in carrying medicine.

"Time for your injection," the nurse said softly, beginning to prepare the medicine skillfully.

Qi Jianguo looked up and was stunned. It was her!

The nurse, seeing Qi Jianguo looking at her, felt embarrassed and lowered her head, not wanting others to see the dense freckles on her face.

The nurse seemed a bit nervous and pricked the wrong spot.

"Ouch!" Qi Jianguo cried out in pain as his facial muscles twitched.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Zhang Huan quickly apologized. "I didn't do it on purpose."