Chapter 217: Trust Him to Cut Down the Peach Blossoms Himself!_1


Let's talk about He Tiantian, who, after seeing off the overjoyed Qi Xiaoyan that evening, took out Huo Yingjie's letter and carefully read it over again.

The content inside left He Tiantian in utter shock!

Huo Yingjie wanted to break up with her?

No... that couldn't be possible, right?

The letter she had received a few days ago was still filled with sweet nothings from both of them. How could it have changed so quickly in just a few days?

He Tiantian thought she had read it wrong and looked over it once again.

Since it was the second time she was reading the letter, she wasn't as shocked as she had been upon first seeing the content.


Something wasn't right.

The handwriting was different from Huo Yingjie's, wasn't it?

He Tiantian quickly picked up a letter previously written by Huo Yingjie and compared it carefully with the one in her hand, noticing some differences between the two.