Chapter 259: Auspicious Feng Shui Location, Tribulation (1720+, 1740+)_2

Just as Professor Wang was about to speak, Expert Jia stood out and said, "No, we can't. This year is a drought, but what if it rains next year? Do you want to cause a flood?"

Upon hearing this, the crowd fell silent.

Droughts are daunting, but so are floods!

This should be enough water for these people; we must know where to draw the line and not be greedy.

Seeing the clear water splashing, Niu Peng was excited; once this drought was over and Liu Dahai was transferred, he would become the county chief.

With water now in the ditches, Hujia Village was the first to benefit.

The village chief of Hujia Village organized people overnight to begin tilling the land, aiming to plant the crops in the shortest possible time.

The amount of water wasn't much, but it was barely sufficient.

In Qijia Village, the water supply was more plentiful; every household planted vegetables at their gates and courtyards. The earlier plantings had died due to lack of water.