Chapter 328: Mailing, Fertile Year_1


As the end of the year approached, He Jingyu and Wang Shuping were going to Huai City to make a work report, and, incidentally, to collect their salaries and receive their holiday benefits.

When they left, they took the family's pickled rabbit meat, sending six pieces to Huo Yingjie, and another six pieces to Huo Zhekun and Jiang Lifang, as well as some dried goods they found in the mountains.

He Tiantian originally wanted to take a trip to Huai City as well, but seeing that Third Grandma Qi was home alone, she decided against it and stayed home to keep her company.

Ever since Qi Daniu had acted as a witness for Ye Xiaofan, Aunt Liu warned her daughter to be cautious, not to go out alone, fearing retaliation from Qi Shuqiang's sons and daughters.

So, when there was nothing else to do, Qi Daniu would come over to play with He Tiantian.

He Tiantian felt somewhat lonely.