Chapter 335 Letter, Surprise, Photo_1


If it had been before, Wang Shuping would have admonished her daughter, but not anymore.

Her daughter had grown up and had her own thoughts and ways of liking someone; as a mother, all she needed to do was to remind her not to lose herself. Everything else should be left to its natural course, to go with the flow.

Because that's the way love is, uncontrollable!

If the object of affection was a decent man, why not let her daughter enjoy the sweetness of love?

"All right, as long as you know moderation, that's fine," Wang Shuping said with a smile, "Now, stop thinking about it and rest. We have things to do tomorrow!"

"Mmm, going to sleep right away," He Tiantian quickly responded, having had no chance to talk today, but tomorrow she could.

He Tiantian entered dreamland with a smile at the corners of her mouth.

Inside her dream, it was all sweet and honeyed, with the sky filled with romantic pink bubbles.