Chapter 367: Two-pronged Approach_1


The Snake King continued his cultivation, and He Tiantian, temporarily free of worries, also fell asleep in peace.

Such complex matters were best left to the adults like Qi Shuliang and Anna to handle. They weren't lacking in methods or manpower to respond, they were just short of accurate clues.

Sure enough, after Qi Shuliang awoke from his dream in shock, sweat dripping from his forehead, he couldn't stop thinking about the dreamscape he had just experienced.

Since childhood, he had often heard that dreams were the opposite of reality, and not to be taken seriously!

But why did he feel just now that his dream was as real as life itself?

Qi Shuliang attributed it to the saying, "What one thinks during the day, one dreams of at night," and didn't take it to heart. Persuaded by Anna, he went back to sleep.

However, it was the same dream again.

This time Qi Shuliang wasn't frightened, for several dreams in a row had been exactly like this.