Chapter 335: The More You Try to Hide, the More You Reveal

Jiang Dongli cleared his throat and said, "Luo Qiao, you heard what the doctor said just now. Thank you for today. If there's ever anything that you need from the Jiang Family, just let us know."

Before Luo Qiao could reply with polite words, he turned to his wife, Qu Meimei, and said, "Meizi, go get the money."

They did indeed have that much money at home, prepared for buying ginseng. Qu Meimei quickly brought the money over.

Luo Qiao said, "Uncle, please hear me out. I gave away the spot you offered me. When I took it from you, I was too young and ignorant to realize how valuable that thing was.

I had intended to use it to repay a favor, but later I was told that an official work spot in the factory was worth five hundred yuan. Only then did I realize how valuable that approval slip actually was, and I was worried about how to repay your kindness."