Chapter 401 Qin Muyang


Luo Qiao smiled and said, "Look at the time, it's just perfect for dinner."

After removing the needle, she helped Big Brother massage his head. "Big Brother, I'll go help Grandma bring the dishes, you help Second Brother get into the wheelchair."

Luo Xuyan's face was all smiles as he agreed, "Okay."

When Luo Qiao and Grandma entered one after another, they saw that Second Brother was already in the wheelchair. Big Brother Luo Xuyan said, "Second Brother did great, he didn't need my help and sat in it by himself."

Zhou Guifang hurriedly set down her chopsticks and walked over to Luo Xuyuan, asking incredulously, "Is what your big brother said true, you sat in the wheelchair by yourself today?"

Luo Xuyuan nodded, a bit excitedly, "It's true, my legs still don't have strength, but they can feel now, and I managed to sit down with the strength of my arms, though Big Brother helped by holding the wheelchair steady, so I could get down from the bed and sit properly."