Chapter 203: Bring Your Own Lunchbox

Chiang Xiao pursed her lips, understanding their intention, but after a moment's thought, she still accepted the gift. "Then I'll accept this, thank you, Uncle! And please thank Auntie for me too!"

Family bonds also need to be maintained, and now that Xu Linjiang had given her such a silver bracelet, she felt the sentiment. However, Ge Xiaotong and Xu Linjiang's child wouldn't be born for another seven or eight months, and she believed that by then she would definitely have made some money. She could then prepare a gift for their child just the same.

Seeing that she really accepted the gift, Chiang Songhai hurriedly spoke up, "Little, you should still give the item back to Linjiang, this can later be exchanged for a small peace amulet for the child..."

Xu Linjiang immediately said, "Uncle, there's no need for that, I will prepare the child's peace amulet, this is for Little."