Chapter 180 You are not good enough (2)_1

Dugu Qianye stayed in the room, and looking outside, she could see that the two guards were actual people. The Divine Temple was really generous to have two Advance Level Phantom Emperors guarding her.

"Keke, there's a smell here that people don't like," Little Baiqiu emerged from Dugu Qianye's clothes and said.

"Smell? What smell?" Dugu Qianye sniffed hard but couldn't smell anything.

"The smell in the air. I smelled it as soon as I came," said Little Baiqiu.

"Can you tell what smell it is?" Dugu Qianye asked.

"Don't know. It's stinky. It's all that stinky smell."

Dugu Qianye didn't say anything more; sometimes Phantom Beasts can smell things humans can't, so she thought it was just another ordinary thing.

"Keke, I'm hungry," Little Baiqiu looked at Dugu Qianye and said.

Dugu Qianye took out some prepared food from the Refining Demon Pot, gave it to Little Baiqiu, and then sat on the ground to meditate.