Chapter 24 Assault (1)

After a pleasant dinner, with both host and guest in high spirits, Ruan Hao drove An Yiqing and Duan Tang back to Xuan University.

The car was quiet and silent as Ruan Hao drove, with Duan Tang and An Yiqing sitting in the back seat.

Suddenly, Ruan Hao glanced in the rearview mirror, his cold eyes betraying no emotion, "Family Head, we're being followed."

Duan Tang's expression remained unchanged, "Head towards the suburbs," he said. Then, with a slightly apologetic smile at An Yiqing, he added, "Sorry for getting you involved."

Dark lines creased across An Yiqing's heart. Was she really getting shot while lying down?

Resigned to her fate, she mentally gave herself a thumbs up for her knack for getting into trouble and jokingly teased, "The price of a meal with Head Duan really is quite steep."

Taken aback, Duan Tang chuckled warmly, his elegant and handsome face displaying a look of helplessness.